Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Tomorrow, Tomorrow, I Love Ya, Tomorrow...

All righty then. Tomorrow, the 8th we will be meeting at the church for a game night. Lisa is in charge of the night so make sure you get there at 7 if at all possible because we have a full night planned.

On the fund raiser front, we are going to beginning our first fund raiser of the new year tomorrow! Back in the day, before any of you were born Berlin Mennonite used to have a thing called Affirmation Sunday. This was a time when people in the congregation could write a quick note to others in the church affirming and encouraging them. The tradition died a long, long time ago (No Ben, this wasn't a Star Wars tie in!) Now we are bringing it back!

This Wednesday we will need a couple of you early birds to help man the table in the front of the church. We will be selling affirmation slips for $1 a piece. We will sell them before, during and after the meal at church and after MYF. We will also be selling the notes Sunday before the first service, between church and Sunday School, before the 2nd service and after the second service and NEXT Wednesday (that was a long list, but that just means we need a bunch of you to help man the table to cover all those times! Let a sponsor know when you want to help out!)
All notes need to be turned in the following Sunday and Wednesday. The actual Affirmation Sunday is October 26. On that Sunday, we need everyones help to put the notes on carnations and then we will conduct a MASSIVE MANHUNT for the recipients of the affirmations.

That all probably didn't make total sense, so to make it easier for Josh and Steven:
I hope that helps.

Anyways, we'll give more details tomorrow. Feel free to shoot us an email with questions. See you tomorrow!

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